Fokus Cube Refrigeration Sensor


How does the IceCube help SAVE ENERGY, EQUIPMENT, AND ENVIRONMENT? The IceCube fits around any refrigeration unit’s existing thermostat sensor where its food simulating polymer mimics the temperature of the refrigerated food products. It is now the food’s temperature, and not the rapidly fluctuating air temperature, that the unit keeps stable and consistent. Due to less frequent compressor start-ups, the IceCube avoids needless wear on the equipment and substantially decreases energy consumption. And as a bonus, it even increases the quality and life of stored produce by ensuring consistent food – NOT AIRtemperature

Click on the Icons below to discover more information on Fokus Ice Cube  Commercial, Industrial, Transportation, Certifications, Pilots Test Results, Technical Specifications and MSDS

Fokus Ice Cube
Refrigeration Sensors

Commercial Application

Industrial Application

Mobil Application

Nautical Application

Certifications Information

Freezer Application

Technical Information 

Railroad Application

Air Freight Application